Application of Buddhist Principles, Local Elections, Seven Noble VirtuesAbstract
This research aimed to study the factors affecting the creation of popularity in local elections in Nakhon Si Thammarat province and to propose the application of Buddhist principles to promote popularity in local elections by using the seven noble virtues (sappurisa dhamma). The study employed a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative and qualitative research. In qualitative research, data were collected from 18 key informants through structured interviews and focus group discussions with 11 experts. Data were analyzed using content analysis techniques to gain in-depth insights into the factors affecting the creation of popularity in local elections. In quantitative research, data were collected using questionnaires from a sample of 400 participants. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, including frequency, mean, and standard deviation, as well as multiple regression analysis to determine the relationships between factors affecting the creation of popularity in local elections.
The research findings showed that political communication factors significantly affected the creation of popularity in local elections in Nakhon Si Thammarat province at the .001 statistical level. The study's ability to predict popularity creation was 45.1%. Components such as the sender, communication channel, message, and receiver all impacted the creation of popularity. Additionally, the research found that the seven noble virtues (sappurisa dhamma), including the wisdom of cause (dhammannuta), the wisdom of benefit (atthannuta), the wisdom of self (Atlanta), the wisdom of the suitable measure (mattanuta), the wisdom of occasion (kalannuta), the wisdom of society (parisannuta), and wisdom of individuals (puggalannuta), significantly impacted the creation of popularity in local elections at statistical levels of .001 and .05. The overall ability to predict was 46.2%, with the wisdom of suitable measure (mattanuta) showing the highest predictive capability, followed by the wisdom of occasion (kalannuta). The application of the seven noble virtues to promote popularity in local elections in Nakhon Si Thammarat included understanding the importance and reasons for local elections, knowing one's responsibilities, assessing and solving local problems, managing time effectively, understanding community and societal needs, and comprehending the people and networks within the local area.
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