Innovative Governance System, Buddhist Method of GovernanceAbstract
The patronage system, or The Patron Client System, is not only an obstacle to political and administrative development in Thailand. It is also part of a political culture that has long been deeply rooted in Thai society. This patronage system is the root cause of corruption in Thai bureaucracy and politics. It causes inequality and unbalanced compromises in the operation of the state. This article, therefore, proposes a government that directly empowers the people as an essential principle in a rooted system of government. and long-term sustainable development pathways. Applying sovereign governance in management helps strengthen fairness in the conduct of politics. It relies on good leaders who believe in giving rights and power directly to the people to foster equality and growth. The adoption of sovereign governance strengthens fairness in the conduct of politics. Building economic freedom to create equality and growth is committed to creating a discipline and culture that encourages collaboration and has the wisdom to make rational decisions and problem-solving. Seeing opportunities for the development and growth of the country through confident and wise leadership in working and solving problems will result in strengthening confidence and understanding of an effective and sustainable system of government.
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