Digital Government, Buddhist Principles, IddhipadaAbstract
This academic article aims to study and present the application of the 4 Dhamma Iddhipada Principles to help guide a way to develop and improve the bureaucracy into a Digital Government. According to Thailand’s Digital Government Development Plan, In the present era, the driving force of the economy and society, digital technology should enable citizens to contact the government and conduct various transactions with the government quickly, conveniently, openly, and transparently. From the study of this Digital Government Development Plan, the author considers that there are 3 success factors areas in the strategic plan and action plan: 1. Personnel development 2. Procedures development 3. Technology development. In developing these three areas, all are carried out by people. The author has researched and studied the principles of Buddhism and found that the 4 Dhamma Iddhipada Principles, namely “Chantha, Viriya, Citta, Vimansa”, are principles that will help increase work efficiency. The meaning of the Dhamma Principles is as follows: 1. Chantha, contentment. 2. Viriya, which is perseverance. 3. Citta has a focused mind. 4. Vimansa, contemplating, reconsidering. To distinguish the characteristics of each work, people whose character traits are consistent with the Dhamma in the 4 Iddhipada Principles will be chosen to make Digital Government Development more successful.
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