HIV Testing, OrdinationAbstract
This article aims to study the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), a contagious disease. Is that offensive? In the case of ordination, according to popular tradition, Thai men must become monks when they reach age. It is also a way to repay gratitude to the person who gave birth. Therefore. It is an essential tradition for men. Ancient people considered men who had not yet been ordained to be monks. Being a person not yet of legal age and not fit for marriage, the ordination tradition is Thai wisdom. By those who wish to inform the abbot or preceptor. To check qualifications, such as being polite, good, proper, and no harmful behavior. Have a righteous occupation and have the knowledge to read and write. Not a person with an opinion. and can request ordination. most importantly, there is a prohibition on granting ordination. To a person whose crime is escaping the criminal offense, a person fleeing government service, a Person accused in a criminal case, People who have been jailed for being major criminals, People who are strictly forbidden from religious ordination, and People with contagious diseases are disgusting. and people with physical disabilities to the point of being unable to perform spiritual duties, which the National Office of Buddhism, with the opinion of the Ministry of Public Health That HIV infection is not a disease and therefore does not qualify as a contagious disease, is offensive. Thus, forcing anyone to be tested for HIV before ordination cannot be done according to law.
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