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Public Policy, Policy Implementation, Participation, 6 Principles of Saraniyadhamma


The objective of this article was to study the implementation of participatory public policy based on Buddhist principles because public implementation was a policy process in practice. It was one step in the policy process, which was important and complicated because many sectors had to work together. Therefore, it was necessary to rely on personnel with high knowledge and ability to conduct the policy to achieve the goals according to the set plan. Therefore, participatory policy implementation by all relevant sectors to perform it together was the best way to implement the policy and achieve its goals. The application of the 6 principles of Sārāṇīyadhamma was one part that will implement the policy to achieve the goals effectively. The approach of application was: Mettākāyakamma: to create love and unity; Mettāvacīkamma: to communicate with stakeholders politely and gently; Mettāmanokamma: to your mind to be charitable and wish good for humanity, Sādhāraṇabhogita: to consider the public interest, Sīlasāmaññatā: to treat everyone equally, Diṭṭisāmaññatā: to propose ideas on how to get all sectors to have consistent opinions. The application of this principle of Sārāṇīyadhamma will be an essential tool to drive participatory policies to achieve their goals effectively.


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