1. Scope of the Journal

The journal aims to present in various dimensions in an interdisciplinary manner, covering politics, security, international relations, economic cooperation, business, philosophy, society, law, religious identity, ethnicity, communication, language, history, culture, literature, community, locality, environment, management and governance, or political, economic and other related dimensions, etc.

Articles that are considered for publication must have interesting content for society, be issues that are debated in society, debates in society, and can be used. Articles may be new social perspectives, new knowledge, or present existing knowledge in a new perspective, socio-political issues in Thailand and abroad, especially in the dimensions of political struggles or movements, in analytical and critical content about movements and changes in various countries in Asia and have never been published in other journals before, including not being under consideration for publication in any other journals.

2. Journal requirements

Articles published in the journal have been reviewed by at least 2-3 qualified persons in a double-blind review. Articles submitted for consideration for publication will be submitted to at least 2 qualified persons for consideration and comments. Articles approved for publication must receive an evaluation of “Pass” or “Revised but not re-evaluation” and the authors must revise and improve according to the opinions of the qualified persons until satisfactory from both qualified persons. The journal accepts articles in both Thai and English. All manuscripts are accepted for consideration, even articles that criticize society or politics. The submitted work must not have been published or are under consideration by qualified persons for publication in other journals. Authors must strictly comply with the criteria for submitting academic or research articles for publication in the journal, and the referencing system must be in accordance with the criteria of the journal.

3. Policy

The views and opinions expressed in the journal articles are the responsibility of the authors of the articles, not the ideas of the editorial team. And it is not the view and responsibility of the editorial team. The editorial team does not reserve the copyright to copy, but cite the source.

4. Publication fee

- The journal has no policy to charge a publication fee at any stage at this time.

- Articles from undergraduate students or articles published in English will receive a fee of 2,000 baht per article (undergraduate students must show a copy of their student ID card that has not expired).

5. Publication schedule

The journal has been prepared and published since 2024. It has started in electronic form. It will be published online only since 2024. ISSN :3057-0204 (Online) The journal has a policy to determine the article review process to be completed within 30 days and the article will be published in the journal immediately after the article review process is completed.

The journal is scheduled to publish 3 issues per year, consisting of:

               Issue 1 January-April

              Issue 2 May-August

               Issue 3 September-December

6. Languages ​​accepted for publication

The journal accepts articles in both Thai and English.

Articles that are considered for publication must have interesting content for society, be issues that are controversial in society, and be able to be used.

7. Types of works published in the journal

Article submissions must be published in the specified format and must be reviewed by experts in the field before they will be published in the journal. Articles accepted by the journal are divided into 4 types:

          1) Academic Article

It is an article that analyzes, criticizes or presents new ideas. It is an academic writing that analyzes issues according to academic principles. The article systematically surveys and analyzes literature to support and summarize the analysis results on that issue. The content focuses on academics, presents new ideas, science or is an interpretation, researching new facts of society to present to readers.

          2.) Research Articles

It is an article that systematically presents the results of the research and has achieved the research objectives. It consists of the title, author details, abstract and content, which includes the introduction, research methodology, review of related research, objectives, hypotheses (if any), research scope, research methodology, research results, conclusions and suggestions, and bibliography.

           3.) Review Articles

It is an article written from the collection of knowledge on a topic of current interest, through the process of analysis, synthesis, comparison and/or criticism to create a body of knowledge in a new perspective, consisting of an introduction, content, criticism, summary and bibliography.

           4.) Book Review

It is an article written to tell stories and express opinions about a book with the intention of introducing the book to readers by giving complete bibliographic details of the book, including the type of book, giving the scope of content, special features or highlights of the book, mentioning the evaluation of value, expressing opinions with reason that it is worth reading or should be purchased, suitable for which group of readers, and comparing with other books in the same category.