Preferred Attributes of Luxury Chain Hotels in Bangkok to Enhance Guest Trust in Accommodating Senior Travelers


  • Apinya Jankan Naresuan University International College 65000
  • Jidapa Mahakaraket Naresuan University International College 65000
  • Phisunt Tinakhat Naresuan University International College 65000


luxury chain hotels, senior travelers, guest trust, accommodation preferences


This research examines the preferences and experiences of senior foreign travelers staying at luxury chain hotels in Bangkok, aiming to uncover key factors that contribute to guest satisfaction and trust. A survey of 400 respondents was conducted to gather data on demographic characteristics, travel behaviors, and satisfaction levels.

The findings reveal a diverse profile of senior travelers, with a slightly higher proportion of females and a majority holding at least a Bachelor's Degree. Income distribution indicates that a significant portion of respondents report relatively higher incomes, with the majority falling within the range of USD 2,501 to USD 5,000.

Regarding travel behaviors, relaxation emerges as the primary motive for travel among senior travelers, with the internet being the main source of trip information. The study also highlights preferred activities, with relaxation and sightseeing being the most favored. Furthermore, the research identifies key attributes of luxury chain hotels that enhance guest trust and satisfaction, including tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, core benefits, and entertainment/technology. Attributes such as modern and comfortable furniture, well-trained staff, and efficient service delivery play crucial roles in shaping the guest experience and fostering trust in hotel services.

Overall, this study provides valuable insights into the needs and expectations of senior foreign travelers in luxury chain hotels, offering actionable recommendations for hoteliers to tailor their offerings and services to better accommodate this important market segment.






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