Recommendations for Authors

Articles submitted for publication in the journal should have academic content in the social sciences or related to social sciences or related to society, and the articles must not have been published or are under consideration by qualified persons for publication in other journals. Authors must strictly comply with the criteria for submitting academic articles or research articles for publication in the journal, including the reference system that must comply with the journal's criteria.

1. The format for preparing the manuscript of the journal consists of:

     1.1 The article must be typed. For English articles, use the Arial font. For Thai articles, use the Thai Sarabun font (TH-Sarabun-PSK).

      1.2 The content (Thai and English) must be printed in 1 column, and the English content must be printed in Single Space.

      1.3 If there are images/tables, they should be clear and printed separately from the content. And specify the word “Figure” in the center of the page under the image and “Table” in the left align of the page on the table, followed by a number in bold 16 font, showing the main content of the story in a concise, clear text. The description uses normal 16 font. The presented image/table must have complete information and be understandable without having to go back and read the content again. Specify the order of every image/table to be consistent with the content in the original. The description must be concise and consistent with the presented image.

     1.4 Print on one side on A4 size paper, font size equal to 16, page number size 16, and put the page number in the center of the top of the page from the beginning to the end of the article. The content of the article including the bibliography should be between 8-15 pages.

        1.5 Setting the printing page to be 1 inch away from the left and top margins and 1 inch from the right and bottom margins.

       1.6 Preparing the original article data according to the specified form

              1.6.1 The Thai article title uses a font size of 18, bold.

              1.6.2 The English article title uses a font size of 18, normal.

              1.6.3 The names of the authors and co-authors use a font size of 16, normal.

               1.6.4 The main topic uses a font size of 18, bold.

               1.6.5 The sub-topic uses a font size of 16, bold.

               1.6.6 The content must be in 16-point font.

         1.7 The title must be in Thai and English and must be printed on the first page.

         1.8 The names of all authors, both Thai and English, must be included, but not more than 5 people. The names must be in 16-point font, aligned on the left margin, and a Footnote in Arabic numerals must be added after each name, indicating affiliation. If it is a university, indicate the faculty and university. If it is a government agency, indicate the department and ministry to which it belongs. If it is a monk, indicate the temple and province. If it is a private sector, indicate the company or organization and province. The identification must be consistent with the symbols above. Identify each individual in Thai and separate with (;) before specifying in English and specifying Corresponding author, e-mail: …………...., Tel. ………… of the main author.

         1.9 The Thai and English abstracts should be written to capture the entire content of the story. The characteristics of the abstract should include the objectives (Objective), research methods (Methods), and research results (Results), summarized briefly and concisely. Between 250-400 words Keywords There should be 3-5 keywords that cover the title of the study and will appear at the end of the abstract in both Thai and English. Keywords must be arranged alphabetically and separated by a (,) symbol.

       1.10 Arrange each topic with 1 line space. The largest topic should be printed flush with the left margin. Sub-topics should be spaced apart from the main topic with a paragraph spacing, and the next sub-topic with a paragraph.


2. Article components

2.1 Academic articles, arrange the topics as follows:

        2.1.1 Introduction (Introduction) shows the main points to be presented in the article in order. The introduction should explain the importance of the topic to be studied, the purpose or the outline of the article.

         2.1.2 Content (Content) shows the main points to be presented in order. The story can be divided into 3 sub-sections:

Sub-section 1: Provide the reader with basic knowledge on the topic to be discussed.

Sub-section 2: Analyze data, argue facts, use reason, evidence to provide information to readers.

Sub-section 3: Offer opinions The author's suggestions for the presented issues

          2.1.3 Conclusion Summarize the main points that must be summarized to show the importance of the article in order by selecting only the main points of the article and writing them together briefly at the end of the chapter. Or it may use the method of stating the results that what was mentioned is important and how it can be applied or what will happen next. Or it may use the method of asking questions or leaving a final point to encourage the reader to search for knowledge or develop the topic further to summarize the author's position on the written topic.

          2.1.4 New knowledge is the presentation of the results obtained from the analysis and synthesis of the research results. It can be presented in the form of a model with a concise and easy-to-understand explanation.

         2.1.5 References The format of the references and bibliography uses the APA (American Psychological Association) 6th edition and must be consistent with the references in the content. The author of the article must check and be responsible for the accuracy of all references.


2.2 Research articles should be arranged in the following order:

         2.1.1 Introduction: Write to show the background.

         2.1.2 Objectives should mention the purpose of the study.

         2.1.3 Research Methodology: Specify the research format, sample calculation (if any) and key informants, data collection methods, and data analysis.

          2.1.4 Research/Experimental Results: Present the results found in accordance with the research objectives in clear order.

         2.1.5 Discussion of research results/criticism: Present in an essay and clearly link to the research results in order of whether they are consistent with or inconsistent with anyone’s research. Does the research follow anyone’s ideas or theories? Why is it like that?

          2.1.6 New knowledge (if any): Present the results obtained from the analysis and synthesis of research results. By presenting the model format with concise and easy-to-understand explanations.

         2.1.7 Suggestions should be presented in 2 issues: 1) Policy suggestions and 2) Suggestions for applying research results to the organization or institution.


 2.3 Review Articles should be arranged in the following order:

        2.3.1 Introduction: Show the main points to be presented in the article in order. The introduction should provide a brief overview of the article and the main topics covered, such as the importance of the topic to be studied or the outline of the article.

        2.3.2 Content: Show the main points to be presented in order. The content can be divided into 3 sub-sections:

                         ... By briefly presenting the findings of each topic.

                         ... To summarize the author's position on the subject matter


2.4 Book reviews, arrange the topics as follows:

         2.4.1 Introduction: Show the main points to be presented in the article in order. The introduction should explain the importance of the subject matter to be studied, the purpose, or the outline of the article.

          2.4.2 Content: Show the main points to be presented in order.

          2.4.3 Review: Analyze data, argue facts, use reasoning, evidence to provide information to readers, and present the author's opinions and suggestions on the issues presented.

         2.4.4 Conclusion: Summarize the main points that must be summarized to show the importance of the article in order by selecting the main points of the article and writing them together briefly at the end of the chapter. Or, you may use the method of stating the results of what was mentioned, how important they are, what they can be used for, or what will happen next. Or, you may use the method of asking questions or leaving a final point to encourage readers to seek knowledge or develop the subject further. To summarize the author's position on the subject

          2.4.5 References The format of the references and bibliography uses the APA (American Psychological Association) 6th edition and must be consistent with the references in the content. The author of the article must check and be responsible for the accuracy of all references.


Writing references

References in journals must use the in-content format according to the APA (American Psychological Association) 6th edition criteria, which have been updated to accommodate technological advancements. Writing bibliographies or references uses the APA writing standard developed by social scientists and behavioral scientists over 80 years ago as a standard for systematic writing for research, research reports, literature reviews, articles, and case studies. Authors can view references from the association at



Manuscript Submission

1. Pre-submission review

During the submission process, authors must review and comply with all of the following submission checklist requirements. Articles may be returned to authors if they do not comply with all requirements:

       1. Articles submitted for publication must not have been published or are under consideration by any journal.

       2. The name of the main author, email, telephone number, and workplace must be in the format specified by the journal.

       3. Manuscript preparation: Title, abstract, keywords must be in both Thai and English and must follow the guidelines for manuscript preparation specified by the journal.

       4. References in the content and references at the end of the article must be in accordance with the APA (American Psychological Association) criteria and sources must be cited correctly. There must be no plagiarism problems.

         5. The manuscript must be typed in Microsoft Word using the TH-Sarabun-PSK font for Thai articles and Arial font for English articles. The display of images, charts, and tables must be consistent with the content.

2. Methods and procedures for submitting articles

            1. Submitting articles Authors should submit articles online via the ThaiJO system without using the article submission form.

If submitting through other channels, the article must be submitted along with the “Article Submission Form for Consideration for Publication” to the journal editor.


Once the article is submitted, the editorial team will consider and refine the scope of the article and accept the article within 7 business days via email.

            3.Consideration period

                   3.1 The editorial team will send the article to the qualified person for consideration. Wait for the result of the consideration from the qualified person within 14 days.

                   3.2 Once the article is returned from the qualified person, the editorial team will send the article

to the author of the article to revise according to the qualified person’s suggestion or reject the publication within 1 day.

                    3.3 Once the author has finished revising, attach the complete article file. Returned via email within 7 days

                    3.4 The editor issues a letter of acceptance for publication of the article in the journal via email


              4.Journal publication

                    4.1 The editorial team will collect the articles and submit them for publication when the journal is due to be published as scheduled.

                  4.2 When the journal volume is complete, the editorial team will notify the author.