About the Journal
1.Aims and scope
The Thai Social Science Journal is a scholarly publication. The objective is to promote education and research and to publish research articles, academic articles, etc. There is a new initiative. The journal is a center for exchanging knowledge, opinions, and suggestions that are different and diverse, with unlimited ideas and ideologies. The journal focuses on controversial issues in society, including problems from the past to the present, which is a guideline leading to solving problems together in society in a peaceful and sustainable manner. Journals are a medium for presenting society to the general public, researchers, academics, professors, students, and those interested in the general public.
The journal focuses on fields of study in the social sciences that are related to one aspect of society, such as Buddhism, culture, social sciences, arts, humanities, social development, community development, history, political science, law, public administration, educational administration, study of applied teaching in economics, economics and finance, business administration, etc., as well as other interdisciplinary sciences related to society, such as health sciences or nursing, etc.
Articles published in the journal have reviewed by at least 2-3 experts,In a format where the reviewers do not know the name or information of the author of the article, and the author does not know the name of the reviewers (Double-blind Peer Review)
The Thai Social Science Journal accepts articles in both Thai and English. We accept consideration for the publication of anyone’s original manuscript, even if it is an article criticizing society, politics, etc. The submitted work must not have previously published or be being considered by experts for publication in another journal. Authors of articles must strictly follow the guidelines for submitting academic or research articles for publication in the journal. The reference system must follow the journal's guidelines.
The views and opinions expressed in journal articles are the responsibility of the author of the article. It is not the idea of the production team and does not constitute the opinion or responsibility of the editorial team. However, the editorial team does not reserve the right to copy but will provide references and show the source.
4.Article Processing Charge
The journal has no policy of charging a publishing fee at any stage.
Articles published in English will receive compensation of 2,000 baht per story.
5.Publishing schedule
The journal has been produced and published since 2024 and has begun to be produced in electronic form. There will be only one online distribution channel starting in 2024, ISSN :3057-0190 (online) , The journal has a policy specifying that the article review process be completed within 30 days and include up load the article in the journal as soon as the article review process is complete.
Journal has a schedule of two issues per year, consisting of
Issue 1: January - April
Issue 2 : May-August
Issue 3 : September-December
6.Published Language
Thai Social Science Journal, accepting consideration for publication of articles in both Thai and English.
Articles that are considered for publication must have interesting content to society or be a controversial problem in society or a debate in society. It can be put to good use. The article may be a new perspective on society. It may be new knowledge or presenting previous knowledge from a new perspective, and has never been published in another journal before. Including not considering for publication in any other journals.
7.Types of work published in journals
Submissions of articles must publish in the specified format and must be reviewed by experts in that field in order to be published in the journal. Articles that the journal accepts for publication divide into four types:
1) An academic article is an analytical article, Criticize or suggest new ideas and academic writing, which has an analysis of issues according to academic principles. The article has a systematic literature survey and analysis to support and be able to draw conclusions from the analysis on that issue. The article places heavy emphasis on academic content. Propose new ideas, science, or interpretations. Research and find new facts about society to present to readers.
2) Research articles are articles that present the results of research in a systematic way and the research objectives have been achieved.The article consists of the title, details of the author, abstract, and content, which includes an introduction, research methods, review of related research, objectives, assumptions (if any), and scope of research. Research, research methods, research results, conclusions and recommendations and bibliography
3.) Review articles are articles written after gathering knowledge on the subject. Today's interesting stories go through a process of analysis, synthesis, comparison, and/or criticism. To create a body of knowledge from a new perspective, the article consists of an introduction, content, criticism, summary, and bibliography.
4.) Book review is an article written to tell a story and express opinions about a particular book with the intention of introducing that book to readers. It provides complete bibliographic details for the book. Including the type of book content scope Special features or outstanding points of books, articles, mention of valuation. Give reasonable opinions on whether it is worth reading or should be provided. Is it suitable for any group of readers? Comparisons make with other books in the same genre. The reviewer should have knowledge in the field reviewed. The reviewer should be named or provide information to determine the credibility of the review.
8.Article Review Process
Details of the process for considering articles for publication in the journal, together with
1.Preliminary consideration of the article by the editorial team
Author submits article and the journal received the article from the article proposer, the editor will send it to the editorial team for initial consideration. Later, the names of experts will be nominated and sent to the experts to consider the article. The editorial team will check the format of the article. Consistency of research objectives and results, clarity of content, Accuracy according to academic principles Reference writing format including the initial duplication or duplication of content in the article (duplications or plagiarism) if the article not format as specified. Alternatively, there is repetition or redundancy. The editorial team will not accept such articles for consideration. The journal determines the duplication of work using the CopyCat program on the Thaijo website at a level not exceeding 25% for research articles and at a level not exceeding 10% for academic articles.
2.Article consideration by experts
The journal has a quality assessment process by experts before publication. The articles published in the journal have been reviewed by at least 2-3 experts in a double -blind peer-reviewed manner. The editorial team will nominate 2-3 experts to consider the article. The experts considered will not have the same affiliation with the person who submitted the article. Experts outside the organization that produces the journal will consider articles from internal authors. Internal experts will review articles by external authors or outside the organization that produces journals that have expertise in the field and have no conflict of interest with the author.
3.Editing articles
After receiving the evaluation results from all qualified experts The journal will send the results of consideration to the article proposer in one of the electronic channels, such as through email, for the author to make corrections. The article that will be published must have an evaluation result of “deemed appropriate for publication “ or “to be published with corrections and improvements” by at least 2 out of 3 experts. For the part that the author edited, highlight or change the font color to a different color to be able to compare with before editing.
4.Consideration of the completeness of the article after the article proponent makes corrections by editor.
The person who proposes the article makes corrections according to the recommendations of the experts. The journal will submit the edited article to the editor to consider the completeness of the article. The editorial department will check the accuracy and completeness of the article, and the completeness of the article revisions according to the recommendations of the experts.
5.Issuance of acknowledgment receipts and publishing articles
The editorial team considers the completeness of the article and deems it appropriate to issue a receipt and publish it; the journal will issue a receipt and publish the article on the journal’s website.