Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
- Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
- The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
Author Guidelines
Articles submitted for publication in the journal should have academic content within the social sciences or related to the social sciences. Alternatively, related to society, and the article must not have been published or is currently being considered by experts for publication in another journal. Authors of articles must strictly follow the guidelines for submitting academic or research articles for publication in the journal. The reference system must follow the journal's guidelines.
- The journal manuscript preparation format includes:
1.1 Articles must be typed. For English articles, use the Arial type font. For Thai articles, use the Thai type font. Correspondence (TH- Sarabun - PSK ) .
1.2 Content (Thai and English) to be printed as one column and publish English content in single space format.
1.3 If there are accompanying pictures or tables, they should have clear pictures, printed separately from the content and specify the word “ picture ” aligned in the center of the page under the picture and “ table ” aligned to the left of the page on the table as follows: The number should be in bold, 16- character font size, indicating the main contents of the story in a concise, clear message. The descriptions should be in normal 16 -character font size. Pictures and tables presented must have complete information details and be understandable without needing to be. Go back and read the content again. Specify the order of all figures and tables to be consistent with their content in the original. The description must be concise and consistent with the images presented.
1.4 Print a single page on A4 -sized paper. The letter size is 16, and the page numbers are the same size 16 and enter the page number on top center of the page from the beginning to the end of the article. The content of the article, including the bibliography, is between 8-15 pages.
1.5 Setting the printed page to be 1 inch from the left and top edges of the paper and 1 inch from the right and bottom edges.
1.6 Preparing the original article data according to the prescribed form
1.6.1 The title of the article in Thai uses a font size of 18 bold.
1.6.2 The title of the article in English uses a normal font size 18 bold.
1.6.3 The names of the author and co-authors use normal font size 16 bold.
1.6.4 The main topic uses a font size of 18 bold.
1.6.5 Subheadings use a font size of 16 bold.
1.6.6 The story uses a normal font size of 16 bold.
1.7 The title must be in Thai and English and be printed on the first page.
1.8 The name of the author, both Thai and English, must be entered for everyone, but no more than five people. The name should be in a normal font size of 16, aligned to the left page, and include a footnote in Arabic numerals at the end of each name, specifying Affiliation If it is a university, specify the faculty and university. If it is a government agency, specify affiliated departments and ministries. If a monk, specify the temple and province. If it is the private sector, specify the company or organization and province. The designation must match the mark marked above. By specifying each person individually in Thai and separated by (;) before specifying in English and specifying Corresponding author, e-mail: …………...., Tel. ………… of the main author
1.9 Thai abstracts and English abstracts should write to capture the entire idea of the matter. The nature of the abstract should include the objectives, research methods, and research results, with a concise summary between 250 -400 word. Keywords: There should be 3-5 keywords that cover the title of the study and will appear at the end of the abstract in both Thai and English. Key words must be arranged alphabetically and separated by a symbol ( ,)
1.10 Arrange each topic with one line space. The largest topic should be typed along the left margin. Subheadings should separate from the main topic by paragraph spacing and the next subtopic with paragraph spacing.
2. Components of the article
2.1 Academic articles
Arrange the topics in order, as follows:
2.1.1 Introduction shows the main points that want to be presented in the article in sequence. The introduction should explain the importance of the subject, the purpose, or the outline of the article.
2.1.2 The story (content) shows the main points that need to be presented in sequence. The story can be divided into three sub-parts, namely
Subsection 1 lays the foundation of knowledge for the reader on the subject that will be discussed.
Subsection 2 analyzes the data. Argue with facts and use reason and evidence to provide information to readers.
Subsection 3 presents opinions. The author's suggestions on the presented issues.
2.1.3 Conclusion summarizes the main points that must be summarized to show the importance of the article in order. By selecting only the main points of the article and writing, those together briefly, at the end of the chapter, you may use the method of telling the results how important the things mentioned are and what they can be used for. On the other hand, what will happen next? Alternatively, may use the method of asking questions or giving concluding points to encourage readers to investigate and seek knowledge. On the other hand, develop the story further in order to summarize the writer's stance on the story written.
2.1.4 New knowledge it presents the results obtained from the analysis. and synthesize the research results. Able to present model formats with concise, easy-to-understand explanations.
2.1.5 References: The format for writing references and bibliographies uses APA (American Psychological Association), 6th edition, and must match the references in the content. The author of the article must check and be responsible for the correctness of all referenced documents.
2.2 Research articles arrange the topics in order, as follows:
2.1.1 Introduction: Write the history and importance of the research problem. or research questions.
2.1.2 Objective: It should state the aim of the study.
2.1.3 Research Methods: Specify the form of research. Calculating the sample (if any) and key informants Methods of data collection and data analysis
2.1.4 Summary of research/experimental results (research) Present the results found according to the research objectives clearly.
2.1.5 Discuss research results and critiques (discussion) by presenting them in an essay and clearly linking them to the research results in order that they are consistent with and inconsistent with whose research. The research results are in accordance with the concept. Whose theory? Why is this so?
2.1.6 New knowledge (if any) is a presentation of the results obtained from the analysis and synthesis of research results. The format of the model can be presented with concise, easy-to-understand explanations.
2.1.7 Suggestions to be presented in 2 issues: 1) policy recommendations and 2) suggestions for using research results to benefit agencies or institutions.
2.1.8 Acknowledgment (if any) This is the part that expresses thanks to organizations, agencies, or individuals who help and cooperate in research. Including the source of research funding and the research grant number (if any). (Please enter only in cases where research funding has been received. or in the case where the title of the article has a title that does not match the research thesis or dissertation.)
2.1.9 References: The format for writing references and bibliographies uses APA (American Psychological Association), 6th edition, and must match the references in the content. The author of the article must check and be responsible for the correctness of all referenced documents.
2.3 Review Articles arrange in order of topics as follows:
2.3.1 Introduction shows the main points that want to be presented in the article in sequence. The introduction should provide a brief overview of the article and the overarching themes that are important to cover. On the other hand, what is the outline of the article?
2.3.2 Content shows the main points that need to be presented in sequence. The story can be divided into three sub- parts, namely
Subsection 1 lays the foundation of knowledge for the reader on the subject that will be discussed.
Subsection 2 analyzes data, disputes facts, and uses reasoning to evaluate the details of the articles mentioned in order to provide information to readers by mentioning the weak points of the articles reviewed by the reviewer. Order from subject to subject. or from one researcher to another. The findings of each matter are briefly discussed.
Subsection 3 synthesizes, compares, and/or critiques. To create knowledge from a new perspective Give your opinion. The author's suggestions on the presented issues. By discussing the reliability of the author and the reliability of the information cited, the correctness of the methods used is indicated by their background. How is it in the past, present, and latest advancements? It is knowledge and facts and has comments and suggestions from the author.
2.3.3 Conclusion summarizes the main points that must be summarized to show the importance of the article in order. You may choose to collect the main points of the article and write them together briefly at the end of the chapter, or you may use the method of telling the results of what is said about how important the results are and what uses they can be used for. On the other hand, what will happen next? Or may use the method of asking questions or giving concluding points to encourage readers to investigate and seek knowledge. Alternatively, invent and develop the matter further. To summarize the author's stance on the subject matter.
2.4 book reviews arrange the topics in order, as follows:
2.4.1 Introduction shows the main points that want to be presented in the article in order. The introduction should explain how important the topic you want to study is, the purpose, or the outline of the article.
2.4.2 Content shows the main points that need to be presented in sequence.
2.4.3 Reviews Analyze data, argue with facts, and use reason and evidence to provide information to readers. and offer opinions. The author's suggestions on the presented issues.
2.4.4 Reviews summarizes the main points that must be summarized to show the importance of the article. You can choose to collect the main points of the article and write them together briefly at the end of the chapter, or you can use the method of telling the results how important the things mentioned are. What can it are used for? Alternatively, what will happen next? or may use the method of asking questions or giving concluding points to encourage readers to investigate and seek knowledge. Alternatively, invent and develop the matter further. To summarize the author's stance on the subject matter.
2.4.5 References : The format for writing references and bibliographies uses APA (American Psychological Association), 6th edition , and must match the references in the content. The author of the article must check and be responsible for the correctness of all referenced documents.
4. Writing reference documents
References in the journal must be in accordance with APA (American Psychological Association) sixth edition guidelines, with content updated to accommodate technological advances. Writing a bibliography or reference documents Use APA writing standards developed by social scientists and behavioral scientists over the past 80 years. in systematic writing for research, research report, literature review Articles and case studies Authors can view references from
or some of the general examples that many authors have recommended, such as
-Information Resource Services Department Central Library Office SWU at mailto:
-Mae Jo University at
1. Checking before submitting articles
As part of the submission process, authors must check and comply with all of the following submission checklist requirements, and articles may be returned to authors if they do not meet all requirements.
- Articles submitted for publication must never have published. or is under consideration by any journal
- Write the name of the main article owner, email, and telephone number, and workplace. Must follow the format specified by the journal.
- Preparing the manuscript: title, abstract, and keywords must be in both Thai and English and according to the guidelines for preparing manuscripts specified by the journal.
- References in the text and endnotes follow APA (American Psychological Association) guidelines and must accurately cite the source. There is no problem with academic plagiarism (plagiarism).
- The original must type in Microsoft Word. Using the font TH- Sarabun -PSK in the case of Thai articles, and the Arial font, in the case of English articles Display images, charts, and tables in a consistent manner.
2.Methods and steps for submitting articles
1.To submit an article,
Authors must submit their articles via the Thai Journals Online (ThaiJO) system without attaching the “Article Submission Form for Publication Consideration”. If submitted via other channels, the article must be submitted together with the “Article Submission Form for Publication Consideration” to the journal editor.
Once the article has submitted, the editorial team will consider and screen the scope of the article and respond to it within 7 working days by sending it via email.
3.Consideration period
3.1 The editorial team submits the article to experts for consideration. Wait for the results of consideration from experts within 14 days.
3.2 When the article has returned from the expert. The editorial team will submit the article.
Have the article author edit it according to the recommendations of the experts. or refuse to publish within 1 day.
3.3 When the author has finished editing, please attach the complete article file and return it in the Revision field of the Thai Journals Online (ThaiJO) system within 7 days.
3.4 The editor issues a letter acknowledging the publication of the article in the journal via email.
4.Publishing journals
4.1 The editorial team will collect article documents. Submit for publication upon the deadline for publication by the journal.
4.2 When the journal is complete, the editorial team will notify the author via the Thai Journals Online (ThaiJO) system.
Copyright Notice
1. The published articles are copyrighted by the Journal of Social Sciences of Thailand.
2. The texts in each article in this academic journal are the personal opinions of the authors.
Each person is not involved with the journal in any way. The responsibility for all elements of the article
Each article belongs to each author. If there is any error, each author will be solely responsible for the article.
3. The article submitted is the author's. The article has never been published before and is not under consideration by other journals.
4. If the author wishes to withdraw the article for any reason, the author agrees to pay for the consideration of the article.
5. The author agrees to allow the editorial board to independently select a reviewer to review this article and can
revise the article as deemed appropriate.
6. The copyright to reproduce, modify, or advertise in any form or manner belongs to Journal