Elements of Authenticity: Importance and Perception of Tourists on the Identity of the Tai Saek Ethnic Group in the Mekong Basin


  • Chalida Chuaysook Tourism and Service Industry College, Nakhon Phanom University, 48000


Authenticity, Cultural tourism, Ethnic identity, Tai Saek, Importance performance analysis, Tourists’ perception


This research aimed to group the elements of authenticity of Tai Saek ethnic identity and analyze the importance of the performance results according to the elements and the perception of the authenticity identity of the Tai Saek ethnic identity. Data were collected using questionnaires and analyzed using descriptive statistics, including mean, percentage, and standard deviation. Inferential statistics included exploratory factor analysis. Data from the factor analysis were analyzed by important performance analysis.

The research results found that the authentic elements of Tai Saek ethnic identity consisted of 7 factors: factor 1, physical characteristics and dress; factor 2, local cuisine; factor 3, service; factor 4, ethnic symbols; factor 5, nature practice; factor 6, souvenirs; and factor 7, ethnic interpretation. Then, the analysis of the importance and the perception of the authenticity of ethnic identity was compiled that quadrant 1:Concentrate here was the communication from ethnic group and quadrant 2: Keep up the good work was the physical characteristics, clothing and local food. In addition, Low priority in quadrant 3: consisted of services and practices regarding nature. Lastly, Possible overkill in quadrant 4: was symbols representing ethnicity and souvenirs. Community tourism leaders or related persons can use this information to further develop community tourism in the area to maintain the identity of the community and to encourage repeat tourists.


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